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Faculty of Arts receives CFLC award

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UPEI's Faculty of Arts received a Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) provincial award in the 'Support to Student Reservists (Post Secondary Institutions)' category during a special award ceremony and reception on March 7. 69传媒alumnus and reservist with the Prince Edward Island Regiment, Sergeant Ben Miller, nominated the faculty who supported both his education and military endeavours during his time at the University. The Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island, was in attendance to present the awards.

The CFLC is comprised of a group of more than two hundred Canada-wide senior business executives and educational leaders, a full-time secretariat, and a national network of reserve officers who all volunteer their time and effort to promote the Canadian Forces Reserve Force. The Council's mandate is 'to enhance the availability of reservists for their military duties by obtaining the support and cooperation of organization leaders in Canada.'

The Council encourages civilian employers and educational institutions to grant reservists time off on a voluntary basis, without penalty, to allow them to participate in their military activities, duties, and training.

Sergeant Miller recalls the amazing support system he received during his time at 69传媒where he completed both a bachelor of arts in history and political science and a certificate in public administration. 'The professors were very supportive and if there were training events that had a scheduling conflict they were always cooperative and supportive as long as my work was completed,' he explained.

'In any given year, universities are always going to have current reservists or veterans enrolled, and I wanted to create a working relationship between 69传媒and the Armed Forces,' said Miller. 'We're fortunate enough to live in a society where we have access to this kind of education, and I'm a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due,' he added in response to why he decided to nominate 69传媒for the provincial CFLC award.

UPEI's Dean of Arts Don Desserud accepted the award on behalf of the faculty. 'Helping out an outstanding individual like Ben Miller was a pleasure and a privilege, and the least we could do to assist someone who serves his country so capably,' he said. 'I believe 69传媒and indeed all Canadian universities must be far more diligent in working with our men and women in uniform in ensuring that they have the right opportunities to pursue their education. We will all benefit if we do.'

Congratulations to the Faculty of Arts!

For more information on the CFLC and its awards program, visit


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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