This News Story is more than 11 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Got Opinions on Campus Food?

| Research

In the winter of 2010, a subcommittee-69传媒campus food strategy committee-was struck to develop a healthy campus food strategy. So far, we have been consulting with staff, faculty, and students and surveying other campuses across the country for best practices. We plan to provide recommendations to the healthy campus committee as to how we can work together to encourage a healthy food environment at UPEI.

This past summer, we held several focus groups to get input on what a healthy campus could/should look like. We had an excellent turnout, but would like to hear from more people from our campus community (students, staff, faculty) who may not have been around in the summer months.

Two focus groups, led by Foods and Nutrition Dietetic intern Sara Chin, will be held in the Health Sciences Building board room, 323, on Wednesday, October 24 and Thursday, October 25 from 4:00-5:00 pm.

Interested? Please email Sara at to confirm your attendance. Questions? Contact Jennifer Taylor, chair of the healthy campus food strategy committee.
For information:
Dr Jennifer Taylor
Dept of Applied Human Sciences
(902) 566-0475


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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