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69传媒School of Nursing welcomes Rachel Bard to campus

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UPEI's School of Nursing, in partnership with the Association of Registered Nurses of PEI (ARNPEI), recently hosted a workshop on campus for the Prince Edward Island nursing community. Rachel Bard, CEO of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and a member of CNA's National Expert Commission on health-care delivered the keynote address.

The workshop welcomed approximately 70 nurses from all facets of the health-care system who came together to discuss the Commission's final report: A Nursing Call to Action.

'It's a pleasure to be able to come to PEI, reach out, and share the report-a blueprint to bring transformation and change to the health-care system,' said Bard. 'This workshop allows RNs with diverse backgrounds to come together and play a leadership role going forward.'

Dr. Rosemary Herbert, Dean of UPEI's School of Nursing, expressed her gratitude for Bard's visit. 'The School of Nursing is excited to work with Rachel and nurses across PEI to implement the report's recommendations,' she said. 'We look forward to working together on the implications for nursing education.'

ARNPEI representatives were also present at the workshop, including President Cheryl Banks. 'It's wonderful working with such a broad range of nurses to develop a unified voice in nursing,' she said. 'We need to work together to establish how nurses can make a difference in ensuring the health of our province and nation.'

The workshop was geared towards finding solutions to improve the health status of Islanders, to set goals, and to see the impact that RNs have here on PEI. The discussions focused on raising awareness, creating a movement, and leading changes to provoke nurses to work together to achieve maximum results.

To read the National Expert Commission's final report, visit

More about the National Expert Commission and the final report
In May 2011, the CNA launched its independent National Expert Commission, the first of its kind to be spearheaded by registered nurses (RNs), to engage Canadians to take action and transform the country's health-care system.
In June 2012, the Commission presented the final report to Canadians, the RN community, and CNA leaders in hopes of achieving better health, better care, and better value. The report highlights recommendations to drive Canada through a fundamental shift in the way health care is funded, managed, and delivered.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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