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Calling all music lovers: AIRS needs your help!

| Students

UPEI's Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) is partnering with Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on a seven-year Major Collaborative Research Initiative. AIRS is conducting a research study on how singing abilities develop and change over lifetimes and is seeking assistance from the community.

This particular study is looking for approximately 150 participants, over the age of five, with no singing experience necessary. All are welcome to participate. Participants of this study will come away with a new perspective on singing and will contribute to a growing body of cutting-edge research-the advancement of knowledge in the area of human development and singing.

Participants will take part in a short singing interview called the 'AIRS Test Battery of Singing Skills.' To learn more about this area of research, it is crucial to study examples of people singing, and it is important that people of all ages and varying levels of singing experience and musical background be studied. The study will take approximately 30 minutes and participants will be entered into a draw for great prizes upon completion of the interview. This is a great opportunity for music lovers to support 69传媒research!

To participate in the study, contact the AIRS team at (902) 566-6023 or For more information on the study, visit .

For more information about AIRS contact Dr. Annabel Cohen (AIRS Project Director) at (902) 628-4325, or


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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