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69传媒following watering guidelines

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After receiving several inquiries, Facilities Management wishes to inform the community that 69传媒is following watering as set out by the City of Charlottetown. Several recent media reports indicated that 69传媒was watering grass during dry conditions, while at the same time City of Charlottetown residents were being asked to restrict water use.
David Taylor, 69传媒Manager of Environmental Services, does confirm that new sod was being watered but assures that UPEI, along with other institutions and residents, has restricted its water use and is following City recommendations.
Taylor says, 'The areas that are being watered and noticed by concerned community members are where new sod has been laid. 69传媒has recently placed upwards of 2000 yards of new sod and the contractor is only watering this new sod as instructed by 69传媒and as outlined in the City's guidelines.'
Taylor added that some of the water is being trucked in from a source outside of Charlottetown's water supply, further alleviating some demand on the City's system.
The City of Charlottetown's '2012 Guidelines for Summer Water Conservation' indicate specific instructions for watering new sod, instructions that 69传媒has been, and will continue to follow so that the grass takes hold. These include:
-Water the site about 24 hours before your sod arrives to store moisture in the soil and ensure the topsoil is not too wet for the crew to walk on.
-On the day the sod is laid, water it thoroughly in the evening between 7 pm and 1 am. Stop watering once the water begins to run off. New sod needs frequent, light watering to help establish the root system.
-On Day Two, water again in the morning and evening (during watering hours only).
-On the morning of Day Three, lift a corner of the sod to see if it is still moist underneath. If moist, wait until the evening water hours to water again. If dry, water during morning watering hours.
-For the next few days, water only once a day during watering hours to encourage deep root growth.
-For the next two weeks, water only as needed depending on the weather and watering restrictions.
-After three weeks, the sod should be established. Deep water once a week during watering hours only.
-Comply with 'Seasonal Water Conservation Measures' or 'In Case of Water Shortages' guidelines.
69传媒will continue to monitor and adhere to the City of Charlottetown's Water Use Guidelines.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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