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The next Jeanne and J.-Louis L茅vesque Research Professor to search for the health benefits found in magnolia

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The 69传媒 announced today the appointment of Dr. Robert Hurta as the next Jeanne and J.-Louis L茅vesque Research Professor in Nutrisciences and Health.

Dr. Hurta is a molecular/cellular biologist and an associate professor of biology at UPEI. His research focuses on investigating the possible health benefits of compounds found in plant and marine sources, and in particular, determining their possible roles in protecting us from, or preventing, cancer.

'There is a naturally occurring bioactive compound within the roots and bark of magnolia called magnolol which has been touted to have a number of health benefits. It has often been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine,' said Dr. Hurta. 'My lab will investigate the effects of magnolol and its related compounds on the behaviour of breast and prostate cancer cells.'

This three-year professorship allows Dr. Hurta's lab to hire a graduate student to aid in his research, building the research capacity of the University and offering a unique training opportunity for students.

The Jeanne and J.-Louis L茅vesque Research Professorship in Nutrisciences and Health is funded by a generous contribution by the Fondation J.-Louis L茅vesque. Formed in 1961 by St. Dunstan's University alumnus J.-Louis L茅vesque (BA'34, LLD'64), the foundation supports numerous teaching and research projects in regards to human health. 69传媒is proud of its long-standing relationship with the foundation and its chair, Mme. Suzanne L茅vesque, daughter of J.-Louis L茅vesque.

'I want to congratulate Dr. Hurta on his new professorship; this demonstrates the excellence in research we have come to expect from his laboratory,' said Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, President and Vice-Chancellor of UPEI.

The Fondation J.-Louis L茅vesque has supported research at the 69传媒 since 1999 with the purchase of a major piece of research equipment and the establishment of a Research Professorship in Respiratory Health. It also currently supports the Jeanne and J.-Louis L茅vesque Research Chair in Nutrisciences and Health, held by Dr. Russ Kerr, and supports collaboration across the country.

Dave Atkinson
Research Communications, UPEI


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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