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Past 69传媒Student Union president delivers valedictory address at McGill

| Students

Ryan Gallant, 69传媒Student Union president from 2005-2007, was recently valedictorian at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Gallant graduated from McGill in June 2012 with a Bachelor of Common Law and Bachelor of Civil Law (LLB and BCL).

Gallant's speech was delivered in both English and French, and it highlighted the student population's diversity, universal memories, ups and downs, and the support system behind each graduate.

'Thankfully, not one of us got where we are today alone. Behind each graduate is a person or people who have at different times given us the sufficient support and encouragement we needed to get through law school, or just through the day,' said Gallant. 'Whoever these important people were and are for you, I would like each graduate to take a moment to hold them in your mind, and to give them a much-deserved thank you and round of applause.'

Gallant reminded his fellow graduates of their hard work, but also of reality. 'In whatever capacity you decide to apply your gifts and skills, don't expect-and indeed, don't hope-that everything will be easy. Struggle is at the base of all growth, all progress, and all worthwhile changes and beginnings.'

Gallant credits much of his leadership experience to his time at UPEI. 'My undergraduate experience at UPEI-both in and out of the classroom-provided me with a great base for my academic career, and with the tools and confidence I needed to develop as a student, a leader, and as an individual.'

During his time at UPEI, Gallant was an active volunteer in several groups including New Student Orientation, the Chaplaincy Centre Advisory Committee, and the Grad Executive. He also worked on campus while he was a student, at the First Year Advisement Centre, and for the student newspaper, The Cadre, as a reporter and editor, and as president of the Student Union.

Since graduating from UPEI, Gallant has remained involved with the University through volunteer work with the Student Union, working as activity coordinator for the Explore Program for the past five summers, and co-hosting Wade MacLauchlan's 'Raised Expectations' celebration and fundraising dinner for student awards held in recognition of MacLauchlan's completion of 12 years of service as UPEI's fifth president and vice-chancellor.

Gallant's future plans include working in law enforcement, or practicing law here on Prince Edward Island.

69传媒wishes Ryan all the best!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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