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UPEI's Dr. Barbara Campbell receives prestigious SWAAC award

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Dr. Barbara Campbell, Director of UPEI's Webster Centre, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing, and interim Presidential Advisor International Relations, received a prestigious award at the Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) Conference held in Montreal recently.
Campbell received this year's SWAAC Recognition Award, an award granted each year to a member who has continually demonstrated innovative leadership in advancing the mission of, and achieving outstanding contributions to, their institution and/or to higher education.
Anne Bartlett, Pathways to Academic Success Coordinator in UPEI's Webster Centre for Teaching and Learning, was one of Campbell's nominators, and believes that Campbell demonstrates innovative leadership daily. 'The success of the Webster Centre is greatly due to Dr Campbell's infectious enthusiasm for identifying student needs and doing what it takes to ensure their success,' said Bartlett. ' 鈥業 love working here' is a common statement you hear on a daily basis at the Webster Centre. That in itself, is a testament to the leader, mentor, and friend we have in Dr. Barbara Campbell.'
'I feel so humbled to be nominated for such a prestigious award,' said Campbell. 'I love working with the committed students that come through the Webster Centre for academic support, and despite me loving what I do, I see the challenges that single parents face in completing their degrees,' she added. 'With that in mind, I have used the $1,000 SWAAC prize to help create the Dr. Barbara Campbell Inspiration award, which will be offered each year to support a single parent returning to UPEI.'
SWAAC was founded in 1987 to provide a forum and a collective voice for women in senior administrative ranks in Canadian Universities, colleges, and technical institutes. SWAAC's purpose is to promote female leadership through the development and enhancement of leadership skills, mentoring future leaders, recognizing exceptional leaders, and networking.
For more information on SWAAC, visit .


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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