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Fred Hyndman's Farewell

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Thursday, May 31, is the final day of my service as Chair of the 69传媒's Board of Governors, and I wish to share a few thoughts with the whole University community before taking my leave.

I first want to compliment everyone associated with the institution for the great good work being done here each day. The work of this University is a major determinant to the advancement and prosperity of our province. Even more important is the understanding and wisdom being inculcated to the coming generation, equipping them to build a good and generous society.

I am confident that our energetic new President will be bringing to life ideas and suggestions expressed in the recent Reflections and Future Directions consultation.

There will be challenges ahead, and I caution everyone to understand that the present fiscal and demographic limitations are not temporary and must be accepted as our new reality.

The University is fortunate indeed that Tom Cullen has agreed to become Board Chair, for he has a lifelong association with the place, and a sensitive understanding of its role within the social and economic life of our province.

A few weeks ago, I savoured the spectacle of Convocation when the University puts forward its best. I found myself ruminating on the title of Dr. Michael Bliss' most recent book Writing History-for it is your challenge and privilege to write tomorrow's history today.

I deeply appreciate the many kindnesses and considerations extended to me, and I wish you all well.

In peace,

Frederick E. Hyndman, CM


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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