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Fiddler鈥檚 69传媒Dream Team take part in weight loss challenge

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Fiddler's 69传媒Dream Team consisting of 69传媒men's basketball coaches-Tim Kendrick, Marvin Rhyno, and Patrick Havard-are working to drop a total combined weight loss of 100 pounds from May 4 to September 4, as part of a weight loss challenge to get healthy, and raise funds for their team's upcoming exhibition season.

The whole idea for the challenge arose when local media sports pundit, Fred "The Fiddler" MacDonald, noted the girth of the 69传媒basketball coaches on Compass, the CBC supper hour show. The 69传媒coaches thought an appropriate response would be to address their weight in a positive way.

The Dream Team won't be doing this on their own, as they have recruited four professionals from the campus community to help with tips on healthy eating and exercising throughout their process. Teri McComber, BSc Foods and Nutrition and registered dietician, and currently completing MSc Human Biology (Nutrition); Sarah Sparks, BSc Dietetics, MSc Human Biology (Nutrition) and personal chef; Brittany Lockwood, BA, currently completing Master of Applied Health Services Research (MAHSR); and Katie Beck, Bachelor of Kinesiology Honours (Co-operative) and certified personal trainer (CSEP-PT), currently completing MSc Human Biology, are looking forward to working with the coaches on their weight loss journey.

As the Dream Team's fitness and conditioning trainer, Baker's role is to consult with each of the coaches and create individualized training programs. 'The ultimate goal is to increase physical activity to aid in weight loss, and to improve physiological function,' said Baker. 'But my mission is also to make the activities creative and fun. There's no doubt this will require a lot of hard work on their part, but I think they have the tenacity and drive to be successful. As coaches, they are used to being in charge, so it will be a change for them to have a group of women calling the shots. This is going to be an adventure!'

'I'm really looking forward to being a part of Fiddler's 69传媒Dream Team. It will be a lot of fun, and will obviously have health benefits...and anything we can do that might help the Panthers is worth it,' said Kendrick. 'I want to thank our Athletic Department staff for all of their help, and especially our team of weight loss specialists: Katie, Teri, Brittany, and Sarah, who sure have their work cut out for them!'

The coaches will weigh in on Friday, May 4, and will continue to weigh in every second Monday until the final weigh on September 4.

Pledges to the coaches can be made to the team as a set amount or per pound lost. For pledge information, contact Coach Kendrick at or call (902) 566-0562.

For Information:
Lynn Boudreau
69传媒Athletics & Recreation
Communications & Events
(902) 566-0991


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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