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Canada-Wide Science Fair 2012 begins May 12 in Charlottetown

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For the first time on PEI, the Canada-Wide Science Fair 2012 will take place in Charlottetown from May 12 to 19, on the 69传媒 campus.

This national event brings together Canada's 500 top scientists from grades 7 to 12 who have won their local, regional and provincial science competitions. And beyond showcasing their projects and competing for top awards and prizes, finalists will share a week of fun, discovery, and networking with other Canadian students, scientists and researchers, industry, and Islanders who are also interested in science and technology.

Everyone is invited to come to the 69传媒campus to welcome, congratulate and meet Canada's future science leaders during the public viewing times:

Monday, May 14: 6:00-7:30 pm
Thursday, May 17: 10:30-11:30 am
Friday, May 18: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Admission is free but please enter the Exhibit Hall at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre via the MacLauchlan Arena entrance at the CARI Complex.
For more information, visit and select 鈥楥harlottetown 2012' from the menu, or call 902-620-5250.
Media contact:
Nicole Phillips
Volunteer Chair, Communications
Canada-Wide Science Fair Host Committee


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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