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The Nicol Entrepreneurial Award on Rogers TV

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UPEI's Jackie Skinner was a 2012 National Nicol Entrepreneurial Award Finalist and she took part in the recent National Nicol Award Competition and Gala Dinner held in Ottawa. Skinner's business was one of six showcased at the Nicol National finals in front of a panel distinguished judges.

Skinner's business, Chapter 13 Designs will take unsold designer clothing that currently ends up in land fill and use it as the raw material to create new timeless and unique fashion creations. Using a network of design school graduates, this previously discarded material will be transformed into fashion garments to be sold both online and in boutique fashion stores.

The judges commented that this year's competition entries were the highest that have seen since the competition started over 8 years ago. After a full day of judging where the finalists were interrogated about their plans, the national winner, UNB's TotalPave was announced at a Gala awards dinner.

The event was recorded by Rogers TV and they will air on Monday, April 9, 2012 at 9 p.m. and on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 9 a.m.

For more information on The Nicol Entrepreneurial Award, visit


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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