This News Story is more than 12 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

LM Montgomery Conference 2012

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The tenth offering of the International Biennial Conference on Lucy Maud Montgomery will be held at 69传媒from June 20-24. Anyone interested in attending is reminded that the "Early Bird" deadline for discounted registration is May 1, so visit the today to book your spot!

This year's theme is 'Cultural Landscapes' which will draw speakers and delegates from some of the nations touched by Montgomery's global impact, including Canada, the US, Japan, Sweden, and Finland.

The LM Montgomery Institute is pleased to be partnering with 69传媒to host this year's Conference. A big factor in the success of past Montgomery conferences has been the efforts made by many members of the campus community to help make Conference attendees welcome.

This Conference wouldn't be possible without our volunteers! If you'd like to volunteer some of your time, between now and the end of June, please contact one of the Conference co-chairs. This is an excellent opportunity to work with a warm and enthusiastic community of Montgomery (and PEI) lovers from around the world.

Conference co-chairs:
Simon Lloyd
(902) 566-0536
Jean Mitchell
(902) 566-0381


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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