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Fifth Annual Connecting Aboriginal Cultures Workshop

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The fifth annual Connecting Aboriginal Cultures Workshop will celebrate the Aboriginal and Mi'kmaq culture through singing, traditional drumming and dancing, and learning will take place on Thursday, March 29, 10:00 am-4:00 pm and Thursday, April 5, 9:00 am-5:00 pm

The event is organized by UPEI's Mawi'omi Aboriginal Student Resource Centre, and a planning committee. Guest speakers include Tammy MacDonald, Jesse Francis, Julie Pelletier-Lush, Allan Gillis, and Lori St. Onge
Thursday's events will take place in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre and April 5 events will take place in the Faculty Lounge, Main Building.
The event is free of charge and open to the public!
For more information on the Mawi'omi Centre, visit
For more information on the event, contact Sherri Russell, Aboriginal Academic Advisor at 69´«Ã½at 620-5152 or
Detailed Schedule
Thursday, April 5 Aboriginal Speaker Series
• 9:00 am Mi'kmaq History - Tammy MacDonald
• 10:00 am Hog Island: A Mi'kmaq Heritage Landscape - Jesse Francis
• 11:00 am Story Sharing - Julie Pelletier-Lush
• 1:30 pm Mi'kmaq Education - Allan Gillis
• 2:30 pm Aboriginal Justice - Lori St. Onge
• 3:30 pm Circle Participation and Demonstration - Lori St. Onge
Thursday, March 29 Drumming and Dancing
• 10:00 am Grand Entry/Opening Remarks
• 10:00 am-4:00 pm Please join us throughout to hear the songs and rhythm of the drums as played by Lone Cry Singers (host drum), New Generation Singers and Birch Creek Singers. Accompanying the drum groups will be an array of traditional Mi'kmaq dancers. Head Male Dancer: Dionne Bernard Head Female Dancer: Kindra Bernard


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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