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TELUS Motorcycle Ride for Dad funds 69传媒prostate cancer research

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Prostate is the most common cancer amongst Canadian men, with one in seven developing the disease in their lifetime. Often undetected until it is too late, prostate cancer is expected to kill more than four-thousand men this year in Canada alone.

Every year, motorcycle enthusiasts from across the country join together to raise funds to fight prostate cancer in the TELUS Motorcycle Ride for Dad. This year, some of the money raised by the PEI chapter will support the research of Dr. Robert Hurta, Associate Professor of Biology at the 69传媒.

Dr. Hurta is examining compounds found in blueberries, seeking to understand any potential that could affect the behaviour of certain cells, including prostate cancer cells.

'Prostate cancer cells exist within a network of different matrix proteins,' explained Dr. Hurta. 'In order for them to spread, cancer cells need to activate certain enzymes which allow them to break down this protein network to which they are tethered and which enables the cancer cells to potentially migrate to other parts of the body.'

Blueberries have often been touted as a natural source of beneficial compounds for battling cancer. Dr. Hurta is seeking to further validate this possibility. If and when he finds the compounds responsible, he will seek to understand what mechanism is involved whereby blueberry compounds can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

'We're extremely proud of Dr. Hurta's research, and grateful for the contribution of each participant in the TELUS Motorcycle Ride for Dad,' said Dr. Katherine Schultz, Vice-President, Research and Development at UPEI. 'This contribution allows Dr. Hurta to hire a student to aid him in his research. To each person who took part in the Ride, and to everyone who donated, 69传媒offers our sincere thanks.'

'It's amazing to see that the donations brought in by our local riders and supporters are being used right here in Prince Edward Island for innovative prostate cancer research,' said Steven Peckett, co-chair of the PEI chapter. 'Our ride is fun but it's for a serious cause, and raising awareness and helping to fund this type of research is exactly why we ride each year.'

In the past ten years, more than 250,000 Canadians have participated in the TELUS Motorcycle Ride for Dad and have raised more than $9 million. The event is national in scope, but funds local research and awareness in the communities where the funds were raised. Strong supporters of the PEI Chapter include the 2CAV Canadian Army Veterans, CMA Christian Motorcycle Association, and members of the PEI Sportbikes. For more information, visit .


Nicole Phillips
Integrated Communications

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