This News Story is more than 12 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Calling all word nerds!

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Here's your chance to prove your spelling prowess. The 69传媒Writing Centre is hosting its 2nd Annual Spelling Bee Smackdown on Tuesday, March 6, in the W.A. Murphy Centre's McMillan Hall. If you can spell "tchotchke" in 10 seconds or less, get your team together for some good old fashioned competition.

We'd like to bring faculty, staff, and students together for an afternoon of fun and laughter. Celebrity judge, President Alaa Abd-El-Aziz will preside over the madness.
Spelling begins at 2:30 sharp. Be there or be square. For more information see our website, or contact Karen Morse,, 628-4320.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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