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69传媒business student wins car in Mazda Canada contest

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Kyle Simpson, a fourth-year business student at UPEI, recently won a brand new 2011 Mazda 3 Sport GT after Mazda Canada chose his video as the winner of its 'What Do You Drive?' Facebook contest.

When Simpson found himself in the market to buy a new car, he stumbled upon the Mazda Canada contest. The contest asked participants to write a story, share a picture, or create a video, answering the question 'what do you drive?' Simpson noticed that there were not many video entries, so he decided to put his creative skills to use.

The contest officially closed on August 31, and by the middle of September, with no word from Mazda, Simpson assumed he didn't win. At the end of September, Simpson was shocked to receive an email stating that he had been chosen as the 鈥榞rand prize' winner. Simpson said, 'After a few months of collecting votes and watching my ranking rise and fall, the fact that I actually won was surreal.'

69传媒assistant professor, Dr. Susan Graham, and dean of UPEI's school of business, Alan Duncan were impressed by the business student's contest entry. Graham used Simpson's video as a case study in her third year marketing class, while Duncan personally tweeted to his followers to vote for Simpson, and tweeted again after Simpson was announced as the contest winner.

Simpson was thrilled by UPEI's support, 'It made me feel pretty proud that so many people at school were supporting me, including 69传媒faculty.' He added, 'Honestly, without their support, I wouldn't have been able to get as many votes as I did.'

Simpson also gives credit to his marketing class with Graham, 'Susan's marketing class certainly influenced how I went about making my video. We had a contest in her class to make a commercial and I was able to apply a lot of what I took away from that exercise into this Mazda contest.' He laughed, 'It definitely paid off.'

Mazda Canada delivered Simpson's new wheels to MacIsaac Mazda in Charlottetown, on November 1. Kyle is grateful for all the support and humorously added, 'If I promised anyone a drive in exchange for a vote, just let me know, I'll stay true to my word!'

To view Simpson's winning entry:


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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