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69传媒professor named a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

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The Royal Society of Canada has named Dr. Ian Dowbiggin a fellow in the Humanities Division of the Academy of the Arts and Humanities. Dr. Dowbiggin is a professor of history at the 69传媒.

'Your election is a telling recognition of your remarkable accomplishments and an invitation to further the leadership you have already shown in advancing knowledge and scholarship in Canada,' wrote Roderick A. Macdonald, president and fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, in the letter advising Dowbiggin of his nomination and election

Dr. Dowbiggin is the author of several books on the history of science and medicine. His latest, The Quest for Mental Health: A Tale of Science, Medicine, Scandal, Sorrow, and Mass Society, charts the birth and history of the mental health industry in the twentieth century. Cambridge University Press featured it in August as book of the month in its Cambridge Book Club.

'There are few Canadians who can match either Dr. Dowbiggin's scholarly output or the contributions he has made to the social sciences,' wrote Dr. Richard Kurial, past dean of arts at UPEI, in his nominating letter. 'Dr. Dowbiggin's latest book, appearing at this stage in his scholarly career, testifies that he is hardly content to rest on his laurels and fully intends to contribute to the advancement of our knowledge of the past.'

'This fellowship is a true honour,' said Dr. Dowbiggin. 'I'd like to thank 69传媒for all the support it's given me during my years here.'

'This fellowship speaks volumes about the quality of Dr. Dowbiggin's leadership in his area of research,' said Dr. Katherine Schultz, UPEI's vice-president of research and development. 'This is an honour well earned.'

'69传媒is extremely proud of Dr. Dowbiggin. On behalf of the University, I'd like to extend to Ian warmest congratulations,' said 69传媒President Abd-El-Aziz.

As Canada's national academy, the Royal Society of Canada recognizes excellence in learning and research, as well as accomplishments in the arts, humanities and sciences. Dr. Dowbiggin is the 69传媒's first fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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