This News Story is more than 13 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Communicating with the Registrar's Office during a Canada Post strike

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The Registrar's Office at 69传媒has developed a contingency plan should there be a strike/work stoppage at Canada Post. This plan outlines how the Registrar's Office will communicate with students during the strike and prevents any disruption in the application and admission process.

Of most interest to students now is information regarding offers of admission for the September semester.

Any correspondence that the Registrar's Office would normally be placing in the mail for students will be scanned and sent as an attachment (pdf) with an email. If no email address is available, the Registrar's Office will contact students by telephone. Letters will follow in the mail once the strike is over.

If students are trying to send information to the Registrar's Office, as an interim measure, they can send emails with scanned attachments, or faxes. The hard copy, original documents should still be placed in the mail to be received by the University once the strike is over.

If students have any questions, they can contact the Registrar's Office at 566-0439 or


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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