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Strengthening higher education stakeholder relations in Africa

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On May 13, 69传媒will wrap up a two-week strategic planning partnership workshop with representatives from Ethiopia, which was designed to demonstrate the University's commitment to enhance and strengthen its contribution to the development of the education sector in the Global South.

Dr. Tirussew Teferra, vice-president academic and Dr. Jeilu Oumer, faculty of Education, from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia arrived on May 2 and have been participating in a number of meetings with 69传媒deans, staff, and faculty as well as stakeholders in PEI's research and development and post-secondary education sectors.

Sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency, UPEI's International Office and Lead Dean International and Dean of Education Tim Goddard developed the workshop with partners, the Association of African Universities and Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. It has featured learning opportunities for both universities' representatives through a variety of sessions including those on the strategic planning process and risk management. Dr. Oumer and Dr. Teferra also delivered a public presentation on May 10.

Plans are already underway to continue the collaboration between 69传媒and Addis Ababa University into the future.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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