This News Story is more than 13 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

A vote of confidence in UPEI

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69传媒President Wade MacLauchlan says today's provincial budget, that includes a 3 per cent increase to UPEI's operating grant, will help to address cost pressures, plus growth in enrolments and research.

'69传媒appreciates the increase in support from government,' MacLauchlan said. 'Today's provincial budget affirms the University's role and mandate, and we look forward to delivering on those expectations.'

He added, 'Today's announcement now permits us to move forward with developing the University's budget which will be presented to the Board in early May. It still involves continuing belt-tightening for the University, which we accept in challenging fiscal times.'

To view the 2011/12 provincial budget on the Government of PEI website, .


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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