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69传媒Board of Governors announces Deans

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The 69传媒Board of Governors recently approved the human resources committee's recommendations for dean of Arts, dean of Business, and the dean of Nursing.

Dr. Don Desserud is the next dean of the Faculty of Arts. Desserud is currently a full professor in Political Science at UNB Saint John, the director of the Urban and Community Studies Institute, and also served as associate dean of Graduate Studies. He will join 69传媒on July 1, 2011.

69传媒Vice-President Academic, Dr. Jim Randall said, 'Dr. Desserud brings to 69传媒considerable experience in academic administration as well as a passion for the Arts. Given Don's many public roles in the community, he also presents a strong voice for the role of the Arts in our broader society.'

Alan Duncan will begin his appointment as dean of the School of Business also on July 1, 2011. Duncan is currently an assistant professor in the School Alan Duncan is the new dean at the 69传媒School of Business, effective July 1.Alan Duncan is the new dean at the 69传媒School of Business, effective July 1.of Business at 69传媒and the director of International Relations for the School. He brings to the position a significant record of senior management experience and success in the business community.

'In addition to a growing understanding of a university setting, Alan brings to the position of dean a wealth of experience as a senior business leader in Canada and overseas,' said Randall. 'In the short period of time that Alan has been with the School of Business at UPEI, he has already made an impact on the lives of students, on the development of relationships within the local community and on the realization of the university's international objectives.'

Dr. Kim Critchley, current dean of Nursing, was renewed for a second appointment. Dr. Critchley has been dean since 2005, was acting dean in 2004, and joined 69传媒as a professor of Nursing in 1996.

Dr. Kim Critchley has been re-appointed dean of Nursing.Dr. Kim Critchley has been re-appointed dean of Nursing.Randall commented, 'It gives me great pleasure to know that we are able to renew Dr. Critchley's appointment as dean of Nursing. During the time she has led the School, it has expanded tremendously, both in terms of numbers of students serving PEI, the number of specialized programs, and the School's relationship with the broader Island health community. I am pleased that Kim is going to be able to continue to lead the School of Nursing as it moves into a new building and begins to provide graduate level education.'

About Dr. Don Desserud

Don Desserud is currently the director of the Urban and Community Studies Institute as well as professor of Political Science at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John. He has also served as associate dean of Graduate Studies and as chair of the Department of History and Politics.

Originally from Bathurst, New Brunswick, Don has a BA and MA from Dalhousie University, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario. He also has an MA in English and Creative Writing from UNB. Don's research interests include parliaments and legislative assemblies. He frequently comments on political issues on local and national media.

He and his partner Robin are very excited about the prospect of moving to Charlottetown. Describing 69传媒as an excellent university situated in a gem of a city, Don is also looking forward to working with UPEI's faculty, staff, and students.

About Alan Duncan

Alan Duncan is currently assistant professor at the 69传媒School of Business.

A chartered accountant with over 25 years' experience in the international financial services and pensions industries, Alan was a senior executive with companies in Canada and abroad where he focused on establishing new businesses in new and expanding markets.

Since joining the faculty at UPEI, Alan has been instrumental in forming links with other schools of business as well as with accounting organizations like CMA, which recently granted accreditation to UPEI. He looks forward to continue to work with faculty, staff, and students in his new role.

About Dr. Kim Critchley

Dr. Kim Critchley is the dean of the 69传媒School of Nursing.

Born and raised on Cape Breton Island, and after nursing and teaching for several years in Alberta and British Columbia, Kim joined the 69传媒faculty in 1996. She has a BSc Nursing from St. Francis Xavier University, a master of Nursing from the University of Calgary, and her PhD from the University of Helsinki in Finland.

Her clinical areas of expertise are emergency and critical care nursing. Primary health care, cardiovascular rehabilitation, aboriginal and international children's health are her research areas of interest. Kim also serves as the 69传媒principal for the Atlantic Regional Training Centre that offers a master in Applied Health Services Research among four Atlantic universities.

Kim has played a key role in establishing the accelerated bachelor of Nursing and master of Nursing programs, and in securing a new facility for the School of Nursing, now under construction. She looks forward to beginning her new appointment as the School moves into its new building and into expanded programming.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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