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'The Canadian Journal of Education' launches first issue from UPEI

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The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE)/Revue canadienne de l'茅ducation (RCE) has published its first issue since being housed at the Centre for Education Research at the 69传媒.

'The journal provides the opportunity for a variety of scholars and community advocates from across the country to share important educational research findings and ideas with other academics, educators, policy-makers and the public,' says Dr. Carla DiGiorgio, the journal's anglophone editor and associate professor of Education at UPEI. 'It allows for real impact on educational practice and discourse across the country and internationally.'

The Canadian Journal of Education publishes four times a year, with a focus on early, lifelong, and francophone education, and rural, aboriginal, cultural, pre-service, and inclusive perspectives. It embraces a variety of methodologies and approaches to research.

Issue 34.1 includes papers on such diverse topics as community service learning as part of a college program, the link between risk behaviours and educational attitudes in youth, workshops for developing female involvement in local politics, the gender divide in undergraduate computer science education, and principals' issues in leading schools in the North.

It is also the first issue to use the new Open Journal System (OJS). Through this online platform, readers are able to comment and discuss papers with authors and each other, thereby extending the application of theory to practice. The system also allows full public access to the journal which enables research findings to reach an unlimited audience in Canada and abroad. The journal can be viewed at .

The Canadian Journal of Education is the leading bilingual journal of educational scholarship in Canada. The journal is funded through the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, the largest organization of professors, students, researchers, and practitioners in education in Canada.

The editorial team includes Dr. DiGiorgio, anglophone editor; Christine Gordon Manley, managing editor; Dr. St茅phane Allaire, francophone editor; Dr. Rochelle Skogan, French book review editor; Dr. Michael Bowen English book review editor; and Gaspard Chabillan, translator; as well as the advisory board. The editorial team can be contacted at


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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