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Young Mohawk entrepreneur to speak at 'Connecting Aboriginal Cultures' workshop

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National Aboriginal role model, Chibon T. Everstz, a 24-year-old Mohawk entrepreneur from Kahnawake, Quebec will participate in UPEI's 4th Annual Connecting Aboriginal Cultures Workshop on March 15 and 16.

Currently working towards his Bachelor of Business Administration, Everstz has developed his own company, First Fusion, which promotes cultural learning initiatives for Indigenous youth around the world. He has represented Canada as a First Nations Ambassador in Africa and Norway, has performed for royalty and during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Ceremonies.

Everstz encourages his community to carry on the traditional ways of the Onkwehonwe people, 'Always challenge yourself and push beyond expectations. Keep an open mind, a welcoming heart and never forget your true roots. Only then will you walk a step above the rest.'

Organized by UPEI's Mawi'omi Aboriginal Student Resource Centre, the workshop explores the theme, 'from the four directions', and features, in addition to Everstz, guest speakers, Judy Clark, who will discuss Mi'kmaq symbolism; Julie Bull, who will relate her personal and educational story; and Garland Joe Augustine, who will describe the meaning of the drum. Interactive and aesthetic demonstrations, including dancing, drumming, storytelling, traditional foods and crafts, will take place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm both days in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre gym.

The event is free and open to the public.


March 15, 2011

• 10:00 am - Opening Ceremonies
• 11:00 am - Presentation - Judy Clark
• 11:30 am - Drumming and Dancing
• 12:10 pm - Samantha Lewis - Hoop Dance
• 12:30 pm - Lunch
• 1:30 pm - Presentation - Julie Bull
• 2:00 pm - Drumming and Dancing
• 3:30 pm - Closing for the Day (Prayer/remarks)
• 4:00 pm - Day's End

March 16, 2011

• 10:00 am - Opening Ceremonies
• 11:00 am - Presentation - Garland Joe Augustine
• 11:30 am - Drumming and Dancing
• 12:00 pm - Lunch
• 1:15 pm - Presentation - National Aboriginal Role Model, Chibon T. Everstz
• 2:00 pm - Samantha Lewis - Hoop Dance
• 2:20 pm - Drumming and Dancing
• 3:00 pm - Prize and 50-50 Draws
• 3:15 pm - Closing Ceremonies

For more information, contact Amanda Malley or visit .


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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