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Province of PEI confirms 69传媒Kinesiology program funding

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The Honourable Allan Campbell, minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning, confirmed funding today of $300,000 per year for the at the 69传媒.

Campbell made the announcement before a group of 69传媒students, some of whom intend to apply to take the Kinesiology program this coming fall.

'By offering a degree program in Kinesiology,' Campbell says, '69传媒is doing two important things-it is offering the opportunity to top-level training for careers in the sciences-and just as importantly, the program will train individuals to meet the health needs of Islanders.'

The program was approved by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission in 2010, pending funding from the provincial government. It will be housed in the Family and Nutritional Sciences department, in the Faculty of Science, and is a four-year Bachelor of Science program.

69传媒President Wade MacLauchlan said, 'We thank the province for its support because we will be able to offer yet another high-quality program that allows students to acquire knowledge on the Island in this important field. This is another example of 69传媒serving the educational needs of Islanders by providing a comprehensive education.'

Vice-President Academic Jim Randall added, 'The Kinesiology program will help provide a knowledgeable and skilled workforce, here on PEI, and in an area needing more and more qualified human resources, so we are very thankful for today's announcement.'

'We've been planning to add this area of study to our faculty for many years, as we know it will enhance our offerings in Family and Nutritional Sciences and, in general, health and wellness,' stated Dean of Science, Dr. Christian Lacroix. 'Kinesiology is a field that offers many opportunities for our students.'

Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, is the science of human movement. It addresses the physiological, mechanical, and psychosocial mechanisms associated with human movement. Kinesiology graduates are exposed to a wide range of potential career opportunities in fields such as education, health promotion, rehabilitation, fitness assessment, and community program development. Students may continue their studies in graduate or professional programs such in physiotherapy, occupational therapy or education.

To apply to UPEI's Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology program, .


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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