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"Day of Purple" candlelight vigil, October 20

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In light of the recent deaths of gay youth in the United States due to bullying, the 69传媒Diversity Office, the 69传媒Rainbow Alliance, the PEI Abegweit Rainbow Collective, and AIDS-PEI are hosting an open Candlelight Vigil on Wednesday, October 20 at 7:00 pm in front of Main Building (the 69传媒Quad).

This event is part of the "Day of Purple", inspired by the recent suicide of Tyler Clementi and four other young males, and to remember those who have been directly or indirectly impacted by homophobia and bullying of all types. Everyone is welcome to attend-to remember those lives that have been lost, and to stand up against homophobia and bullying in our schools, workplaces, and Island communities. Candles will be provided.

For more information, call the 69传媒Diversity Office at (902) 628-4332.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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