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69传媒Nursing students win Farmers Helping Farmers Youth Award

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69传媒Nursing students (Kenyan Internship) were recently presented the 2010 Farmers Helping Farmers Youth Award at the organization's annual meeting.

The annual award recognizes individuals and youth groups who have made outstanding contributions to public awareness about Farmers Helping Farmers (FHF) and its work in Kenya. The nursing students included: Ashley Caulier, Marley Bruce, Rianne Carragher, Cheryl Edmunds, James Sullivan, Katie Arsenault, Kaela MacKinnon, Lisa MacQuillan, and 69传媒Dean of Nursing, Dr. Kim Critchley.

'We are extremely fortunate to have groups working in partnership and raising funds to assist with the challenges faced by many East African farm women and their families,' said Awards Committee chair Sandra MacKinnon.

The first time that student nurses from 69传媒traveled to Kenya was in the summer of 2009 as FHF members had recognized health problems and determined that it would be beneficial to have nursing students spend some time working within the region.

After interning at St. Teresa's Hospital, the 2009 group determined that they wanted to share their experiences with friends and family. When they returned to PEI, they decided to raise funds for the hospital and increase awareness about Farmers Helping Farmers. An African meal and a silent auction were organized with all proceeds going to the Kenyan hospital. Two hundred tickets were sold within two days and the group raised over $3,000.

As a result of the successful 2009 experience, four more 4th year nursing students had the opportunity to travel to Kenya in February 2010.

In both years, the students worked in the maternity and surgical sections of the hospital, with the HIV outreach program, and at a children's home. They also coordinated blood pressure clinics for the Muchi Women's Group and the Ruuju Women's Group, and ran two highly successful hand-washing clinics.

Other 2010 FHF award recipients included Gerry McQuaid (Friend of Farmers Helping Farmers Individual Award); The Hillsborough Rotary Club (Friend of Farmers Helping Farmers Group Award); and Priscilla Myers (Honourary Life Membership).


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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