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"Poor No More" premieres on 69传媒campus, July 14

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The Prince Edward Island premiere of the film "Poor No More" along with a question/answer period with executive producer David Langille will take place on July 14 at 7 pm at AVC Lecture Theatre A, UPEI. Sponsored by CUPE and other anti-poverty groups including PEI Working Group for a Livable Income, Poverty Bites, and McKillop Centre for Social Justice, the film offers solutions to Canada's working poor.

'Poor No More' is hosted by TV and film star Mary Walsh and offers an engaging look at Canadians stuck in low paying jobs with no security and no future.

The film takes three Canadians to a world where people do not have to beg, where housing is affordable and university education is free. They ask themselves: if other countries can do this, why don't we? Walsh then takes us on a journey to Ireland and Sweden to see how these countries have tackled poverty while strengthening their economies. The film offers hope to those who have to work two jobs a day and to those who cannot even find work.

About David Langille

Executive Producer David Langille is interested both as an academic and an activist in how social movements can shape public policy. Founding director of the Centre for Social Justice, he is now teaching at York University and co-chairing the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice.

For more information on the film, .


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations & Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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