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Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event held on campus

| People

Teams from the Webster Centre and the Department of Athletics competed along with corporate teams at the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre on Friday, June 25.

Coordinated by the Canadian Paraplegic Association on PEI (CPA-PEI), the event is part of a national Rick Hansen Foundation initiative to support community projects that impact the quality of life of people living with spinal cord injury. While it was the third annual Wheels in Motion event on PEI, this year marked the first time it was held on the 69传媒campus.

Erin Peterson, Adaptive Technology Assistant at 69传媒and a local CPA-PEI board member said, 'Knowing that the event was at UPEI, we encouraged as many 鈥榟ome' teams to participate. We had tremendous support from the Webster Centre with a total of five teams, made up of EAP students and Accessibility Services staff.'

In the weeks leading up to the event, Webster Centre teams raised almost $900 over-and-above the team entry fee by hosting several outdoor coffee houses that featured hot and cold beverages and home-baked goods.

The culmination of their fundraising efforts was the event itself, where teams turned in their proceeds and entry fees, and participated in a friendly, relay-style race that included some of the obstacles that people with spinal cord injury face every day.Abdulaziz Aldossary, an EAP student, takes a shot for his team.Abdulaziz Aldossary, an EAP student, takes a shot for his team.Erin Peterson wheels for the Accessibility Services team.Erin Peterson wheels for the Accessibility Services team.


Nicole Phillips
Integrated Communications

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