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69传媒graduate wins prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

| Students

Julie Bull, a graduate of the 69传媒, is one of this year's recipients of Canada's most prestigious scholarships for doctoral students - the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Vanier scholarship winners are selected for their demonstrated leadership skills and high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies. The scholarship program is designed to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by offering them a significant financial award during their studies at Canadian universities. Students receive $50,000 annually for up to three years.

Julie received her Bachelor of Arts (honours) and Master of Applied Health Services Research degrees from UPEI. She is now working on her PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of New Brunswick. Her research is rooted in Aboriginal and rural health and education. She has won the Vanier award for her doctoral research on Ethics. Her study, in partnership with NunatuKavut (formerly called the Labrador Metis Nation), examines 'Grassroots voices: authenticity in relationships with academic researchers in the context of Aboriginal health research.'

'Julie Bull is a most deserving recipient of a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship,' says Dr. Richard Kurial, Dean of Arts. 'She is living proof of the quality of our academic programs at UPEI. Excellence is contagious and her academic success has made us all so proud both of her and of our university. I have no doubt she will continue to excel in her PhD program at UNB.'

'Julie's success is not surprising given her innovative research during her honours with us; she is a fine example of what can be achieved with inspired, constant, and sustained scholarship,' says Dr. Colleen MacQuarrie, her undergraduate academic supervisor . 'She is a bright, hard working woman who knows how to achieve her dreams; a fine alumna of 69传媒who will continue to shine throughout her career.'

Julie received several graduate awards while attending UPEI, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health Scientific Director's Award of Excellence. During the first year of her doctoral work, she received the Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program Doctoral Fellowship, the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation Scholarship, and the Jens Peder Hart Hansen Fellow Award.

She has recently worked in support of aboriginal students at 69传媒and as the manager of the Mawiomi Aboriginal Student Centre.


Anne McCallum
Communications Co-ordinator, Integrated Communications

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