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Celebrate CBDC day in Montague with ProfitLearn business training

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CBDC PEI East invites businesses in eastern PEI to celebrate 'CBDC Day 2010' on May 12, 2010, at Active Communities Inc. in Montague. Several activities are planned, including a 'Market Research' workshop being presented in partnership with ProfitLearn PEI from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

John Chambers, Lending Manager at CBDC PEI East, says, 'We encourage local businesses to join us in Montague on Wednesday, May 12, as we spotlight entrepreneurship and business growth. The ProfitLearn Market Research workshop will focus on the power found in solid market research tools for building a gold mine of information to help in decision-making.'

Cam Beck of Beck Consulting, facilitator for the Market Research workshop, says, 'One of the strongest messages of the session will be talk to your customers in order to understand them. Ask customers questions. What made them purchase from you? How did they hear about you? Did you make it easy for them to buy from you? Find out what your competitors are doing, analyze the competitive landscape, and discover and quantify new market opportunities.'

Beck will also discuss the value of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to business-owner decision-making. He will present a variety of sources, methods, and approaches to finding information, including current technology choices.
CBDC PEI East encourages business operators to sign up early for this interactive workshop as seating is limited. To register, e-mail or call (902) 838-4030.
CBDC PEI East (Community Business Development Corporations) is part of a network of autonomous, not-for-profit organizations that work with all levels of government and the private sector to meet the needs of small business.

ProfitLearn PEI, a provider of business training for owner-managers, is supported through a funding partnership with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Innovation PEI, and the 69传媒. For more information, contact Marg Weeks at (902) 566-0408 or, or visit the website at


Anne McCallum
Communications Co-ordinator, Integrated Communications

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