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TRC survey details visitors' comments about P.E.I.

| Alumni
The Tourism Research Centre at 69传媒has released its latest report using exit survey results collected from July 2007 to June 2008.
The report provides a summary of comments from visitors to P.E.I. The comments were solicited through two open-ended questions. The first asked if the visitor experienced any problems that would impact their decision to return to P.E.I. or to recommend it to others. The second allowed the visitor to provide general comments.
The comments from both questions were categorized into ten general areas: food and beverage, service, accommodations, prices and taxes on goods and services, transportation, seasonal/daily closures, environmental concerns, parks, attractions and other comments. The negative comments in these categories focused on two themes: the expense of visiting P.E.I., and a perceived discrepancy between the cost of goods and services and the quality received in return for the cost. Specifically, visitors commented on the costs associated with bridge and ferry tolls, National Park entrance fees, taxes, gas, accommodations, meals and attractions.
The feedback provided also shows that visitors are very impressed with the natural beauty of P.E.I., the friendliness of the people, and Islanders' pride of place. In addition, some of the comments that may be perceived as negative are actually suggestions for improvement or are simple observations that may not reflect the reality of life in P.E.I. (for example, P.E.I. needs to have famous brands and products outlet stores for shoppers). Some of the comments also related to matters that are beyond the control of tourism industry operators such as road conditions, taxes, road signs and P.E.I.'s natural environment.
'The report highlights areas where many visitors feel improvements can be made that will improve P.E.I.'s tourism product, and areas where the province excels,' explained Dr. Sean Hennessey, Faculty Director of the TRC.
The report also offers a breakdown of the comments by various market segments. It shows that the largest percentage of comments came from visitors from the U.S. and international countries. Visitors from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, P.E.I.'s largest visitor market, made the fewest comments. First-time visitors were much more likely to make a comment than returning visitors. A demographic profile reveals that those most likely to make a comment were males; those who were retired, married, aged 55 and over; those with a post graduate/professional designation; and those with an annual household income above $125,000.
Overall, visitors rated P.E.I. very highly. Quality of accommodations, restaurants, transportation and customer service in general received the highest number of comments but were each rated above 4 out of 5. The price of goods and services was rated lower (3.56), but visitors agreed that they had received good value for their money (4.17 out of 5). Perhaps most importantly, visitors agreed that they would visit P.E.I. again and recommend the province to others as a travel destination.
'In general, information in the form of actual comments from consumers can be as valuable as statistical data,' said Dr. Hennessey. 'Visitors' views and opinions provide us with information that is over and above the numeric results provided elsewhere in the exit survey, and in the numerous reports released by the TRC that profile visitors and their views of PEI as a tourist destination. This is valuable information for all tourism stakeholders.'
This report is available at . More information about the report can be obtained from the Tourism Research Centre, School of Business, UPEI, at (902) 566-6096 or


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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