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69传媒honours distinguished alumni on September 24

| Alumni
As part of UPEI's Homecoming Weekend, the 69传媒Alumni Association will honour four distinguished alumni at its annual awards luncheon on Thursday, September 24, at noon in the Main Building Faculty Lounge.
Receiving awards this year are Dr. Doris M. Anderson (PWC '42), George A. MacDonald (SDU '64 and 69传媒'69), Major-General Matthew G. Macdonald (69传媒'76) and Dr. Lynne O'Sullivan (69传媒'88-Atlantic Veterinary College).
A native of St. Peter's Bay, Doris Anderson studied science at Prince of Wales College from 1940 to 1942 and graduated in 1944 from Acadia University with a Bachelor of Science in home economics. She earned a Master of Science (Nutrition) degree, with a minor in Education, from Cornell University in 1951. She taught home economics at Prince of Wales College and the 69传媒 from 1966 to 1988.
Her many awards include a 1967 Centennial Medal and an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Acadia University in 1997. She was named a Member of the Order of Canada in 1985 and professor emeritus at 69传媒in 1994. She served in the Senate of Canada from 1995 to 1997.
George MacDonald received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Dunstan's University in 1964, Bachelor of Education from 69传媒in 1969, and Master's degree from St. Francis Xavier University in 1978. He was a dedicated and influential educator and administrator in education on P.E.I. for 33 years, retiring in 1994.
MacDonald served for 18 years as a councillor and six years as mayor of the City of Charlottetown. He chaired the Atlantic caucus of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and served on its national executive committee. He received the 2004 Bruce H. Yeo Memorial Award from the Federation of Prince Edward Island Municipalities for outstanding contribution to municipal government in P.E.I. and in 2005, the Canadian Municipalities Roll of Honour.
A 1998 graduate of the Atlantic Veterinary College at UPEI, Dr. Lynne O'Sullivan has consistently demonstrated success and commitment to furthering veterinary medicine through education, research and service. Following graduation, she pursued an internship with a residency and DSVc program in cardiology at the University of Guelph.
She is one of only several board-certified veterinary cardiologists in Canada and is a highly regarded associate professor at the Ontario Veterinary College. A proud alumnus of the AVC at UPEI, she will return to her alma mater in the near future to provide blocks of training for third-year veterinary students while AVC's cardiologist Dr. Etienne Cote is on sabbatical.
Major-General Matthew G. Macdonald, OMM, CD, MBE, joined the Canadian Armed Forces after completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science at the 69传媒 in 1976. He has commanded at the troop, squadron and regimental levels with the Royal Canadian Dragoons. From July 2000 to June 2002, he was the Canadian Officer appointed Deputy Commanding General of III (US) Corps and Fort Hood-only the second time Canada had filled the position. He has been Chief of Defence Intelligence since January of 2007.
Macdonald was appointed a member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1991 and an Officer of the Order of Military Merit in 1997. He received the United States Legion of Merit in 2002 and the NATO Meritorious Service Medal in 2006.
Everyone is welcome. Tickets for the luncheon are $15 and can be purchased from Sarah MacInnis, Alumni Outreach Co-ordinator, at (902) 566-0687 or by September 22.
Homecoming Weekend takes place from Thursday, September 24, to Sunday, September 27. For information about Homecoming Weekend, visit


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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