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Shinerama fund-raiser exceeds goal!

| Alumni
The 69传媒Student Union Shinerama campaign once again exceeded expectations as students raised approximately $21,550 for Cystic Fibrosis research in a matter of hours last weekend.
'We are extremely proud of the students who chose to participate in this year's campaign,' said UPEISU President Timothy Cullen. 'We had one of the largest groups of students to ever participate in Shinerama this year, and it is great to see their hard work pay off.'
Rob Livingstone and Patrick Callbeck, co-coordinators of this year's Shinerama campaign say that this is not the end of Shinerama fundraising for the year.
'We will continue to hold BBQs and other events throughout the year for Shinerama,' said Livingstone.

69传媒students are known for their successful Shinerama campaigns. In 2007, they were awarded for having the best overall campaign in Canada.


Timothy Cullen
69传媒Student Union

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