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69传媒Master of Education benefits community college leaders

| Students

A new focus within the Master of Education (MEd) program at the 69传媒 is making it easier for experienced adult educators and leaders to pursue advanced study that relates specifically to the modern community college environment.

69传媒is delivering an executive-style Master of Education through a combination of online courses and face-to-face summer institutes, making it practical for students from across the Atlantic region, and elsewhere, to combine work and study. Most of the participants in the inaugural class come from Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and PEI. The class also includes students from communities in Ontario and Manitoba.

The first of three intensive summer institutes for the new MEd cohort was launched at 69传媒in early August. It is addressing theories of research and learning in community colleges, and educational leadership. UPEI's tenured and adjunct faculty will present online courses throughout the winter and spring semesters for the next two years using a highly interactive distance delivery program.

Dr. Miles Turnbull, Co-ordinator of Graduate Studies for the 69传媒Faculty of Education says that the new focus on the interests of community college leaders reflects the University's commitment to provide educators with access to a full range of educational options, and to foster the development of a vibrant educational research community.

'The community college post-secondary environment is undergoing significant change,' says Dr. Turnbull. 'This innovative and responsive approach will support the development of expertise that is urgently needed to meet new demands and ensure leadership succession for the future.'

An advisory committee that includes representatives from UPEI, Holland College and Nova Scotia Community College is guiding the development and delivery of the program. The students are expected to graduate with their Master of Education degrees in May 2012. More information is available at


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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