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2009 Visiting Fulbright Chair in Biomedical Science issues challenge

| Research

UPEI's 2009 Fulbright Visiting Chair in Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Steven Casper, delivered his lecture today, The P.E.I. Bioscience Cluster: on the Road to Sustainability?, to key players in bioscience development from both the public and private sectors. Dr. Casper is an internationally renowned expert in comparison of emerging technology clusters, and Director of the Master of Bioscience Program at the Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, California.

'It's a refreshingly diverse group of companies,' says Dr. Casper. 'You have a group deriving anti-inflammatory agents from sea coral, and another developing a simple test kit to help dairy farmers rely less on antibiotics. What you don't have are diverse sources of revenue.'

Dr. Casper points out most companies and research are funded by government agencies such as ACOA.

'And that's not a bad thing. These are early days for bioscience on the Island. And there are positive indications that's changing. Multi-national companies are buying Island companies, bringing with them expertise and private money. Ten years will make a big difference to this cluster.'

Dr. Casper also notes Island bioscience companies would benefit from boards of directors, and scientific advisory boards -- something they don't have now.

'These changes in governance would allow them to make important links outside of Atlantic Canada, and bring in fresh ideas,' says Dr. Casper.

"The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program is very pleased to support Dr. Steven Casper, the inaugural Fulbright Visiting Chair in Biomedical Sciences, 'says Michael Hawes, Executive Director of the Canada - U.S. Fulbright Program. 'Over the past few months, Dr. Casper has been undertaking cutting edge research on new technology clusters in collaboration with his new colleagues here at UPEI. We look forward to what this unique partnership will produce in the years to come."

'Dr. Casper has challenged the Island's bioscience cluster in a way that will help it grow and sustain itself,' says Dr. Katherine Schultz, UPEI's Vice President of Research and Development. 'As a centre of bioscience research and expertise, 69传媒takes Dr. Casper's message to heart as we move forward on research commercialization. We are honoured to have partnered with Fulbright in facilitating this research.'

The Fulbright Visiting Chair in Biomedical Sciences is hosted by UPEI's School of Business, and is made possible in part by the generous contribution of the John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer

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