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Pandemic preparedness and planning at UPEI

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Over the past several months 69传媒has developed an and a draft pandemic plan to guide the university in dealing with situations like the recent outbreak of mumps and the current challenge related to the H1N1 virus. As outlined in the draft pandemic plan, 69传媒has a working group that will meet regularly over the coming months to ensure the university is well-prepared to deal with potential outbreaks that may occur on campus or in the broader community. In the event of a significant outbreak of H1N1, the University would work closely with to implement the recommended procedures for controlling the spread of the disease and protecting students, faculty and staff.
Preventative measures already in place include hand sanitizers in all buildings and signage to encourage proper hand-washing and covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. This type of information has been communicated to campus via the 69传媒website and further campus-wide communications will be issued as we near the beginning of the fall semester. New student orientation kits will include specific information on how to protect yourself against this virus, actions to take should you become sick, and also personal hand sanitizers.
At this point there are no advisories being planned that would ask students to minimize their contact with each other but the University, through the pandemic working group, will continue to monitor the situation and consult with on appropriate measures.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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