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Provincial Science Fair Celebrates Science on Prince Edward Island

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More than 300 young scientists will come together at the provincial science fair Thursday, April 2nd to showcase their science abilities and connect with other young scientists from across the province.

Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Gerard Greenan encouraged the public to attend the fair.

'Participating in the school science fair is an excellent opportunity for Island students to think critically about science and get hands-on experience running a science experiment,' said the minister. 'Being invited to the provincial science fair is a great achievement and Islanders are encouraged to come out and celebrate the students' success.'

The theme, Celebrating Science on PEI, was chosen to highlight how every year parents, family members, educators, elected officials, community leaders, donors and volunteers from across the province come together to celebrate student curiosity, the type of curiosity that has led to many incredible discoveries.

The fair will be held at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre at UPEI. Parents, family members and friends are invited to attend after 2:00 p.m. The awards ceremony begins at 4:00 p.m.

Over $10,000 in specialty prizes and awards has been donated by government, industry, community groups and organizations across PEI.

PEI Science Fair Coordinator Bill Whelan says participating in the science fair can have a lasting positive outcome.

'Research shows that a positive science experience in elementary school can build a positive attitude towards science in the junior and high school years, and ultimately attract many to the field of science as a career,' he said.

The provincial fair is run by a team of dedicated volunteers who have a passion for science.

Once again, 69传媒scientists will open up their research laboratories to science fair participants in the afternoon. There will also be innovative engineering demonstrations and activities throughout the day.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, which is the largest supporter of the provincial science fair, covers most of the expenses to put on the fair.

This year the top five students will represent PEI at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Winnipeg.

Last year at the Canada-Wide Fair in Ottawa, Prince Edward Island students walked away with some of the top awards.

  • Rebecca Wolfe from Three Oaks Senior High won the prestigious Manning Innovation Achievement Award ($4000 sponsored by the Ernest C Manning Foundation).
  • Simon Trivett from Stonepark Intermediate won the Bronze Medal in the Engineering Category and a $1000 Scholarship to the University of Western Ontario.
  • Brandon Doyle from East Wiltshire won the Silver Medal in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences Category and a $1500 Scholarship to the University of Western Ontario.

'This level of success on the national stage is remarkable,' said Bill Whelan.

For more information, visit the PEI Science Fair website at


Jean Doherty
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
902 368 6449

Bill Whelan, Provincial Science Fair Coordinator
69传媒Department of Physics
902 566 0419

This release is distributed by Island Information Service at the request of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Photo: Brian Simpson


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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