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Halifax poet Brian Bartlett gives public reading March 5

| Students
One of Atlantic Canada's finest poets and creative writing teachers, Brian Bartlett, will read from his new book, The Watchmaker's Table, on Thursday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Confederation Centre Art Gallery. His reading is co-hosted by the 69传媒English Department and the Gallery, with support from the League of Canadian Poets and Canada Council for the Arts.

Bartlett was born in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, grew up in Fredericton, lived for 15 years in Montreal, and moved to Halifax in 1990 to begin teaching creative writing and literature at Saint Mary's University. He has published five collections and four chapbooks of poems, as well as Wanting the Day: Selected Poems, which won the 2004 Atlantic Poetry Prize. His other honours include The Malahat Review Long Poem Prizes in 1991 and 1998, and a Hawthornden Castle International Writer's Retreat fellowship in Edinburgh, Scotland.
He has also established himself as one of Canada's best reviewers and critics of poetry, and has edited Earthly Pages: The Poetry of Don Domanski, another superb Nova Scotian poet, and a book of essays on Newfoundland-based master poet Don McKay. Bartlett lives in Halifax with his wife Karen Dahl, Youth Services Manager for the Halifax Regional Library System, and their two children.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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