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69传媒field hockey player named to national team

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Sarah MacAulaySarah MacAulay, of the 69传媒women's field hockey and hockey teams, has been named to the senior women's national field hockey team.

MacAulay has been awarded a development card and will report for team training on July 3 with the rest of the national squad in British Columbia, the home base for the national team. The players will train until September 5, with a two-week break at the end of July.

She joins fellow Islander Katie Baker who has been a member of Team Canada for the past three seasons.

MacAulay just completed her third year with the Panthers. She is a former field hockey league rookie of the year and two-time field hockey league all-star. She was named to the CIS All Canadian team this past season.

She helped lead her team to three straight Atlantic titles and won the Mickey Place Award for women's hockey for the 2007-2008 season. She will be greatly missed by both Panther programs next season. Both teams are very proud of her great achievement and wish her all the best in this exciting endeavour!


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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