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Anne of Green Gables focus of L.M. Montgomery Institute鈥檚 international conference this month

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That iconic red-head, Anne of Green Gables, turns 100 this year, and scholars and fans from around the world will gather in Charlottetown from June 25 to 29 to celebrate her--and her creator--during the L.M. Montgomery Institute's eighth biennial international conference.

Island author L.M. Montgomery's first and most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables, was published in 1908 by the L.C. Page Company in Boston; on June 20 of that year, Montgomery received her first copy of her book through the mail at her home in Cavendish. One hundred years and over 50 million copies later, the novel is the focus of a year-long celebration on P.E.I. that ranges from family-oriented festivals and theatre events to art exhibitions and the Institute's conference.

Entitled 'Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables and the Idea of Classic,' the conference, which is being co-chaired by pre-eminent Montgomery scholars Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Epperly, includes over 40 speakers from 10 countries, including Finland, Italy, South Africa, Iran, Turkey, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Canada and the United States.

Presentations cover a wide array of topics, including The Power of the Imagination; Smart Girl Heroines and Smart Girl Sidekicks: the Shifting of Role of Intelligent Women in Classic Literature; Rethinking the Continuous Popularity of Anne in Japan; Male Redemption in the Writings of LMM; Reading a Classic, Writing like a Canadian: L.M. Montgomery, Jean Little and Literary Influences; and Teaching Anne of Green Gables in Iran.

Conference co-ordinator Elizabeth DeBlois encourages everyone who has ever been curious about the phenomenon of Anne to come out and sample what this dynamic conference offers.

'If you have loved this story, been intrigued by Montgomery or just been fascinated by the phenomenon that is Anne around the world then you should come and take in a session. There is truly something for everyone and you'll likely be surprised by what you find.'

In addition to the presentations, the conference will feature workshops, special events and entertainment. Of interest to Anne and Harry Potter fans will be a workshop called 'Anne at Hogwarts: Creative and Personal Responses to Classic Literature in the Classroom' by Trinna Frever, of the University of Michigan.

In keeping with Anne's literary bent, the conference will include a free book fair and official P.E.I. launch party on June 25 that is open to the public. The book fair will open with an address by Gretchen Moran Laskas, author of the recently released novel, The Miner's Daughter. The official launch of Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson, Imagining Anne by Epperly, and the anniversary edition of Anne of Green Gables, all published by Penguin Group, will follow. As well, on Sunday, June 29, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Wilson will give a public reading from Before Green Gables, which will include a question-and-answer session.

Movie and history buffs will enjoy Silent Movie Night on June 26 when Jack and Linda Hutton from Bala, Ontario, give a presentation featuring magic lantern images and music based around the lost 1919 silent film version of Anne of Green Gables starring Mary Miles Minter. Guests are encouraged to dress in the style of their favourite silent film star for this entertaining event. Tickets are $20 per person.

The conference is being held at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel in Charlottetown. Registrations are being accepted until June 10. See for a complete list of presentations as well as activities, registration options and costs. For information, e-mail us or call (902) 628-4335.

Photo: Montgomery scholars Elizabeth Waterston, Elizabeth Epperly and Mary Rubio, co-chairs of the L.M. Montgomery Institute's upcoming eighth international conference


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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