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69´«Ă˝and L.M. Montgomery Institute offer creative writing workshop in August

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World-famous author L.M. Montgomery drew inspiration for her writing from the beauty of her birthplace of Prince Edward Island. Now, writers at all levels – from the new to the frequently published – can experience the Island’s sea- and landscapes this summer as they explore their craft at the first annual SeaWords creative writing workshop.

Supported by the L.M. Montgomery Institute and the 69´«Ă˝, SeaWords will take place from August 18-22 at Shaw’s Hotel in Brackley Beach, P.E.I.

To mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of Montgomery’s first and most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables, the workshop will focus on the theme, “Canadian women writers.” The faculty and guest writers include some of Canada’s top literary stars.

On the writing team are award-winning novelist and poet Anne Simpson, from Nova Scotia, author of Falling and Canterbury Beach, among other works; internationally acclaimed poet, novelist and non-fiction writer Karen Connelly, winner of the 2007 Orange Broadband Award for New Writers for The Lizard Cage; and novelist and playwright Ann-Marie MacDonald, author of Fall on Your Knees and the Governor General’s Award-winning play Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet).

Participants also will learn from Jackie Kaiser, former editor at Penguin Books Canada and now an agent with Westwood Creative Artists, representing some of the hottest Canadian literary talent today.

The week will include workshops based on writing submitted in advance by the participants, and lectures about the publishing industry, including effective proposal writing, “getting published” strategies and insights into the agent-author relationship.

Participants will have one-on-one time with faculty members to discuss their work with people currently in the industry. Other opportunities for personal growth include private writing time, social activities and the option to give, or hear, a short reading from their own work.

For information and registration, visit or e-mail Space is limited, and a special “early bird” price is available for those who apply before June 13.

SeaWords Faculty

Anne Simpson, faculty
Anne Simpson's second novel, Falling, was recently published by McClelland & Stewart. Her first novel, Canterbury Beach (2001), was a finalist for the Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award. Winner of the Journey Prize for short fiction, Simpson is also the author of three books of poetry: Light Falls Through You, winner of the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and the Atlantic Poetry Prize; Loop, winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize and a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Poetry; and, most recently, Quick. She lives and works in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Karen Connelly, faculty
One of Canada’s best-known and most successful younger writers, Karen Connelly is the author of seven best-selling books of nonfiction, fiction and poetry. She has read from her work and lectured in Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. Her latest novel, The Lizard Cage, was published to international acclaim and won the 2007 Orange Broadband Award for New Writers. Other works include Touch the Dragon, Grace and Poison, One Room in a Castle, The Border Surrounds Us, The Disorder of Love, The Brighter Prison, The Small Words in My Body and Dream of a Thousand Lives.

Jackie Kaiser, faculty
Jackie Kaiser is an agent with Westwood Creative Artists, Canada's largest literary agency. Her clients include Caroline Adderson, Gail Anderson-Dargatz, Marilyn Bowering, Bonnie Burnard, Sharon Butala, David Chariandy, Denise Chong, Karen Connelly, Barbara Gowdy, Sandra Gulland, Robert Hough, Frances Itani, Thomas King, Alice Kuipers, Natalie MacLean, Kyo Maclear, Stephen Marche, Yann Martel, Stephanie Nolen, Beth Powning, Anne Simpson, Rosemary Sullivan and Eleanor Wachtel. For the decade prior to joining the agency in fall 2000, she was an editor at Penguin Books Canada, where she published Anita Rau Badami, Wayson Choy, Mark Kingwell, Nega Mezlekia, Beth Powning and Charles Wilkins.

Ann-Marie MacDonald, guest writer
Ann-Marie MacDonald is a novelist, playwright and actor. Her work has garnered numerous awards, including the Governor General's Award, the Chalmers Award, the Commonwealth Prize, a Gemini, and several Doras. Plays include Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) and Belle Moral: A Natural History. She is author of the internationally best-selling novels, Fall on Your Knees and The Way the Crow Flies. MacDonald lives in Toronto.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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