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AVC鈥檚 Dr. Greg Keefe appointed to National Advisory Committee

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The Atlantic Veterinary College is proud to announce that Dr. Greg Keefe, Professor of Dairy Health Management with the College's Department of Health Management, and Director of Maritime Quality Milk has been named to the Production Expert Scientific Advisory Committee (PESAC) of the Dairy Farmers of Canada.

The role of the PEAC is to review research proposals in light of research priorities and recommend those deemed worthy of funding to the Board of Directors of the Dairy Farmers of Canada. The objective of the Funding Program of the Dairy Farmers of Canada is to gain a better understanding of the issues, which limit the efficiency of the Canadian dairy farm.

Dr. Keefe is one of seven committee members selected from leaders in the Canadian scientific community representing the different specialties involved in dairy production research. Dr. Keefe holds a DVM and MBA in Agriculture from the University of Guelph and an MSc from UPEI. In addition, Dr. Keefe has been the lead investigator or major contributor to research projects valued at approximately $4.5 million in the last five years.

'The Dairy Farmers of Canada is a leading funding body of dairy research in Canada,' says Dr. Tim Ogilvie, Dean of AVC. 'It is a well-deserved honor that Dr. Keefe be selected to provide advice on their research program. The selection is a testament to the excellent work being done by Dr. Keefe, his research and service team at Maritime Quality Milk.'

Maritime Quality Milk is a regional research and service centre at the Atlantic Veterinary College, which focuses on milk quality and milk-based disease surveillance. Six initial research projects are underway examining mastitis diagnostic tools in the laboratory and on-farm, as well as milk-based diagnosis of Johne's disease, gastrointestinal parasite burdens and antimicrobial resistance. For more information on Maritime Quality Milk, visit .


Charlotte McCardle
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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