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Faculty of Science Graduate Studies and Research Day, March 22

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The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies and Research Day takes place on Thursday, March 22. Graduate students in Biology and Chemistry will present their research on a range of topics including the effects of cranberry extracts on inflammatory enzymes, corn borer larval infestation in potatoes, a possible animal model of schizophrenia, and the ecology of the sharp-tailed grouse in Prince Edward Island.

"Our graduate students conduct high-calibre research that enhances our research programs in Biology and Chemistry," says Dr. Christian Lacroix, Dean of the Faculty of Science. "This is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize our graduate students and the important role they have in our research programs."

The day will begin with opening remarks from Dr. Lacroix and President Wade MacLauchlan. This will be followed by a presentation by Dr. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, 69传媒Biology Department, who will speak about and#145;Interdisciplinary Approaches to Evaluating Food for Health."

The Graduate Studies and Research Day will run from 9 am to 4 pm in room 204 of the Duffy Science Centre. Here is the schedule of events:

9:10 Opening Remarks: Wade MacLauchlan, President of UPEI, Dr. Christian Lacroix, Dean of Science

Invited Research Seminar Presentation- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Evaluating Food for Health, Dr. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology.

10:00 Refreshment Break

10:15 Colleen MacDougall, Biology, Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon ) Extract Reduces Cytokine-induced Expression of Inflammatory Enzymes in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

10:30 Xiaofeng Yin, Biology, The Myths of Phyllotaxis

11:00 Kathryn Dau-Schmidt, Biology, European Corn Borer Eggs as an Indicator of ECB Larval Infestation in Potatoes

11:15 Adam Scanlan, Biology, Proposed Research on the Effects of Vaccinium Spp. on Reducing Oxidative Stress and Hypertension

11:30 Kim Miller, Chemistry, Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Modified Chitosan with Tetraazamacrocycles

11:45 Graduate Student Research Awards

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Malcolm MacLean, Biology, Whole Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon) Induces Apoptosis in DU145 Human Prostate Cancer Cells through the Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway

1:30 Hao (Oliver) Xu, Chemistry, Novel Nanaocomposites of MoSe2 Intercalated by Polymers

1:45 Edward Francis, Biology, Oncostatin-M (OSM) Mediated regulation of RECK, EMMPRIN, and Associated Mediators of Metastasis in H-ras Transformed Murine Fibroblasts

2:00 Laura Burque, Biology, Observing KN1 Gene Expression in the Leaf Primordia of M. Aquaticum

2:15 Stephen Scully, Chemistry, Intercalation and subsequent polymerization of Aniline in HTiO2

2:30 Amber Adams, Biology, Overactivation of the Glutamate system During Early Development: A Possible animal Model for Schizophrenia

3:00 Brad Potter, Biology, The Ecology of Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus Phasianellus) in Prince Edward Island

3:15 Colin Burgoyne, Biology, Carotenoids Modulate Connexin-43 and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression and Activity in a number of In Vitro Cancer Cell Models

3:30 Saskia Hart, Chemistry, Investigating Sterically Crowded Transition Metal Macrocycles and Supramolecular Host Guest Systems

3:45 Closing Remarks, Awards for the Best Research Day Presentations


Lauranne MacNeill

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