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Into the Blue - Caribbean Style: New Course in The Bahamas

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The 69传媒 (UPEI) is giving 15 students the chance to snorkel over Bahamian coral reefs and explore the ocean for marine organisms. Taking a field course in the chemistry and biology of drug discovery from marine organisms, students will study for two weeks in The Bahamas under 69传媒Faculty of Science researchers, Dr. Russell Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Marine Natural Products and Dr. Sydnor Withers, J.-Louis Land#233;vesque Postdoctoral Fellow.

"This is a chance for 69传媒students to gain international research experience and explore the cutting-edge science of natural products drug discovery in a practical and hands-on way," says Dr. Kerr. "Field work like this is critical to get young scientists out from behind the bench. Conducting research with the sun on your back and salt in your hair is a great motivator for students to better understand how to tap into nature's potential while using sustainable methods."

This intensive course, entitled Medicines from the Sea, will familiarize students in the areas of marine natural products, marine taxonomy, field-based biological assays of relevance to drug discovery, marine microbiology, and biotechnology.

For more information on the course goto: or eMail


Lauranne MacNeill
Science Communications

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