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Tourism Research Centre Established at 69传媒School of Business

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PEI will now be home to a one-stop resource for tourism information and market intelligence thanks to the creation of a new Tourism Research Centre. The Tourism Research Centre will increase Prince Edward Island's tourism research capacity and help industry stakeholders take full advantage of tourism research findings. The centre will operate as an independent agency located within the 69传媒 (UPEI) School of Business.

"The creation of the centre is very timely," said Roberta MacDonald, Dean of Business. "One of our objectives is to work with the industry to focus on the most pressing questions tourism operators are facing today. After analyzing new and existing data, a new data processing method will be created and will become a vital resource for tourism decision-makers as they develop long term strategies."

An initiative of the School of Business at the University and the Tourism Advisory Council, the Centre has received financial support from the Government of Canada and the Province of Prince Edward Island.

"Canada's New Government is pleased to work with the provincial government and the industry to create the Tourism Research Centre," said the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). "In an ever-evolving tourism industry, the market intelligence available at the centre will provide industry professionals with important knowledge and expertise."

Researchers at the centre will study and develop tourism practices and strategies, and will provide recommendations to the local tourism industry. The research will help industry members develop forward-thinking strategies to further promote PEI as a premiere tourism destination In addition to providing industry-specific information, the centre will also provide various learning opportunities for tourism operators.

Honourable Philip Brown, Minister of Tourism, commented, "We're pleased to see the Tourism Research Centre come to fruition after all of our consultation and work with the industry for a stand-alone research facility dedicated to tourism research." He added, "Our five-year plan is centred on detailed research intended to guide the development of our tourism product and marketing plans. The work of the Tourism Research Centre will be key to the industry's continued evolution."

Two positions have already been filled at the Tourism Research Centre. Sebastian Manago, an expert in new product development and relationship marketing, will work as the Research Manager. Dongkoo Yun, a tourism management specialist, has been named the centre's Data Manager. The centre's website is currently being developed and is expected to be launched in October.

"The Tourism Research Centre will become a leader in industry research on PEI," said Kevin Murphy, Chair of the Research Committee of the PEI Tourism Advisory Council. "The centre will build partnerships on and off the Island and I am confident that we will benefit from the wealth of experience available through existing tourism research institutions in various areas of the world."

Through its Business Development Program, ACOA will contribute $201,400 for the creation of the Tourism Research Centre. The Department of Tourism will contribute $60,000. 69传媒will provide an in-kind contribution of $85,000.


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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