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Two Learning Disabilities Association of Canada Awards for UPEI

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Joanne McCabe, Coordinator for Accessibility Services at 69传媒for the past five years, has received a Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of Canada's National Education Award.

"Joanne has shown superior leadership in education and has made significant contributions to persons with Learning Disabilities (LD) throughout many Canadian provinces. She has been an exceptional advocate for LD and provides many services for LD students at UPEI," says Sandra LeBlanc, Executive Director of the Learning Disabilities Association of PEI (LDAPEI) who nominated her for the award.

Joanne is an active board member of the PEI Literacy Alliance, LDAPEI, and a public member of the Prince Edward Island Psychologists Registration Board. She was the driving force to re-establish the Learning Disabilities Association in PEI, and has devoted many volunteer hours as a member of the Provincial Joint Working Group Committee on Learning Disabilities. The committee's report, "Recommendations for Improved Services for Islanders with Learning Disabilities" has been presented to the departments of Education, Health and Social Services, and the Office of the Attorney General.

Keefe Deighan, a student at UPEI, was selected for a Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of Canada's Award of Excellence: Beat the Odds Youth Award. He began attending 69传媒in September 2002 and is working toward a degree in Religious Studies. He was diagnosed with two learning disabilities in May 2002 in the language processing area, auditory processing and dyslexia. Keefe was the guest speaker at the first-ever PEI Literacy Summit held in Charlottetown in November 2004 and has acted as an advocate for young people with learning disabilities. He is currently Vice-President of the Learning Disabilities Association of PEI.

Keefe's university grades are in the 80 to 90 per cent range citation. His citation notes that he "continues beating the odds by having academic success and by making outstanding contributions to his community since being diagnosed with learning disabilities."

Both awards were presented by Honorable Shawn Murphy, MP for Charlottetown, on September 19.


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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