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Bill and Denise Andrew Donate $310,000 to Building a Legacy at UPEI

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Founders' Day at the 69传媒 was a double celebration this year. In addition to honouring Jack Blanchard, Kay Martell, Georgina Mulligan, and Jim Rigney for their significant contributions to the development of 69传媒and its founding institutions, the University announced that Chancellor William E. (Bill) Andrew and his wife, Denise Andrew, have donated $310,000 to the Building a Legacy Campaign. The gift is in addition to the Andrew family's commitment of $100,000 to the School of Business and PEI Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship which was announced in May.

"69传媒is a great university and it deserves the support of everyone who recognizes that first-class education is the key to the future prosperity of PEI," said Chancellor Andrew. "This university is flourishing thanks to the commitment of hundreds of individuals, families, and corporations. As Chancellor I am committed to doing everything that I can to expand that support and to help 69传媒to reach its goal of $50 million in private donations."

The $310,000 gift from the Andrews will be allocated as follows: $60,000 for Cass building renovations; $50,000 to create a graduate scholarship in the Masters of Arts in Island Studies (MAIS) program; $50,000 to the Music department for new instruments; $50,000 for the Faculty of Education to support international education and community development travel bursaries; $50,000 to the School of Nursing for school priorities; and $50,000 for women's athletics programs.

"We are immensely grateful to Bill and Denise Andrew for allocating their generous gift to priority areas where their support will have a significant impact on student learning and student services," said 69传媒President Wade MacLauchlan. "This contribution to the Building a Legacy campaign adds value to an array of essential programs, to the benefit of students and the entire University."

Bill Andrew grew up in PEI and now lives in Calgary. His family is well known in PEI and national harness racing circles. He is President and CEO of Penn West Energy Trust and is active in various community and philanthropic endeavours. He received his Diploma in Engineering from 69传媒in 1973 and became Chancellor in March 2005. He is a contributing member of the Friends of 69传媒group in Calgary, and he and his wife are members of the 69传媒Visionary Society.

With a goal of $50 million, the Building a Legacy campaign represents the most ambitious financial campaign ever embarked upon by UPEI. Since it was launched in April 2003, over $30 million has been committed to the campaign. More information on Building a Legacy is available at


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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