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Together Towards Equality

Event Date:
Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 9:00 am
Atlantic Veterinary College
Together Towards Equality: Local and Global Efforts to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (International Development Week 2019) The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) and 69´«Ã½will host a special day of events as part of International Development Week 2019. Together Towards Equality will be Wednesday, February 6 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in room 285N of the Atlantic Veterinary College. As part of International Development Week, the ACIC celebrates achievements of Canadians in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, both within Canada and across the world. Presenters will discuss complex issues that require holistic approaches informed by diverse voices working together across sectors, disciplines, and borders. In the face of social and political divisiveness, how do we overcome barriers to walk together on a journey that will lead us towards more sustainable and resilient societies? How do we work within our own communities to address local issues within a global framework? And what are the transformative steps we need to take that will allow us to travel the distance on this collective journey? The event begins with a prayer by Dr. Judy Clark, UPEI’s Elder-in-Residence. Jennifer Sloot, executive director of the ACIC-CACI, will give a welcome address. The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, will give opening remarks. Speakers for the event include: • Dr. Jennifer Taylor (Professor, Faculty of Science, UPEI) • Dr. Ali Ahmadi (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, UPEI) • Dr. Josh MacFadyen (Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Faculty of Arts, UPEI) • Ted Grant (President of Board of Directors, Mikinduri Children of Hope and Shirley Case Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement winner, 2018) • Jane Ledwell (Executive Director, PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women) • Jillian Kilfoil (Executive Director, Women’s Network, PEI) • Ouma Cuniah (Secretary, Rotary International) • Erin Mahar (Settlement Programs Coordinator, PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada) • Dr. Olive Bryanton (Researcher, UPEI) • Cassidy McKellop (International Indigenous Internship Youth Program Awardee, 2018, Returning from Kenya) All are welcome to attend this free event, but registration is encouraged. Contact to register by February 1. Lunch and snacks will be provided.