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Tree planting

Event Date:
Saturday, June 23, 2018, 8:40 am
In recognition of the relationship between Japan and PEI, participants of the The L.M. Montgomery Institute's 13th Biennial Conference will be planting a cherry tree. The flowering tree will be very much like the tree which greets Anne when she first arrives on PEI at the train station at Bright River and outside her window at Green Gables. The planting will be Saturday, June 23 at 8:40 am in the 69传媒Quadrangle between the Kelley Memorial Building and the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. All are welcome! The plaque set near the tree will read, "In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the L.M. Montgomery Institute & the kindred spirits of Japan and PEI.  June 23, 2018." There will be representatives from the LMMI and Japan on hand.   
Contact Name
Cathy Gillan